
Power...Add life to your Years

Power is essential for maintaining quality of life and independence, especially as we age. Unfortunately, we start losing power early in life, and in later years, this loss leads to decreased mobility. Activities we once enjoyed become distant memories, while injuries, pain, and falls become more common. Stairs are avoided, and even getting up from a chair becomes a monumental task. I've seen many well-intentioned active seniors suffer the consequences of not maintaining their ability to produce power. If you're not engaged in consistent, power-building exercises, you're at serious risk of losing quality of life and independence as you age. My mission is to help active seniors safely and consistently engage in power-producing exercises. If you're an active senior without any medical contraindications to exercise, you can start today. You won't need a gym or any equipment, just a small investment of time. Your future self will thank you.

Active Senior Running/Sprinting Course

 Running and sprinting are exceptional power-producing exercises. In fact, I believe they are the best forms of exercise due to their unparalleled benefits, especially for active seniors. This comprehensive course is specifically tailored for active seniors who want to run and sprint safely and consistently while enjoying the incredible benefits. If you do not have any medical contraindications, you can start today!

Active Senior Running is a 10-step interactive video course designed to prepare active seniors to run safely and effectively. The course focuses on running and sprinting to stimulate type two muscle fibers and generate power. By the end of the course, you will be running and sprinting confidently. The course includes detailed specifications on volume, duration, and preparation. If you have any questions, please email me at

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The course will be emailed to you.

Erik Lehane PT
Founder of The Gaitway Group
"After more than two decades of dedicated physical therapy service to seniors, I reached a poignant moment when a patient, lying on their deathbed after a fall, confided in me, 'All of this could have been prevented if I had acted sooner!'"
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